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Shakti Shoji Panel Styles


Angle Shoji Wall and Doors by Shakti Shoji

"Euclidian Dream"


A wide variety of Shoji screen panels are available at Shakti Shoji for shoji window screens, shoji doors or Shakti Shoji's innovative shoji lamp-tables. 

Crescent Moon Shakti Shoji
Custom Artistic Shoji


"Crescent Moon Shoji"


I created this shoji for a friend who likes the moon and has huge windows with little privacy when open. Measuring about 3' wide and 5' tall, The Crescent Moon Shoji breaks up the expanse gracefully and strategically, drawing attention to the moon in the window (rather than the moon in the bathroom.)


If a pair of artistic custom shoji panels is desired, consideration should be given to whether the shoji open horizontically or vertically.  Shakti Shoji panels designs are made to fold into each other in graceful ways. 

These Fir "Spheres" Shakti Shoji panels open by sliding up and down.

These Cherry "Cat's Eye" style Shakti Shoji panels are designed to open by sliding side by side on tracks (not shown). 

As with this custom shoji panel screen to the right, Shakti Shoji panels can be made without the basic grid pattern if so desired. However, basic grids are desirable for simplicity, strength and stability as well as relative expense.

This shape was inspired by drawings from the wonderful book, The Power of Limits, by architect, Gyorgy Doczi. 

Shakti Shoji artistic shoji screen inspired by G. Doczi with no rectangular shoji grid.



As with the large circle Shakti Shoji screens above, custom artistic panel designs can be used in part of a row of screens to create a powerful focal point.  Since all our shoji screens are custom made, we endeavor to design the best shoji screen panels to suit your tastes and situation.  Between the variety of shapes and colors, the possibilities are nearly endless. 

Shakti Shoji Lamp Table Panel Styles

The variety of shoji panel styles available at Shakti Shoji is most evident in our patio Lamp Tables seen below.  Think of them as opportunities for fun in decorating.  It can also be fun to mix and match shoji panels on Shakti Shoji lamp tables. Different panel styles appeal to particular tastes - and variety can help to set various moods in your garden or patio.   

Crystal Light
Because of the smaller size of table Lamp Table panels, artistic elements like copper and bamboo can be introduced quite easily.




This Lighthouse marks the entrance to Shakti Shoji.  The panels here exhibit the wave pattern but with movement.  One panel has one wave, with another wave added to each of the other panels...1,2,3and 4.



Traditional Shoji Panels

Traditional shoji grid patterns are generally a series of squares and rectangular shapes.  The frequency, dimensions and orientation of the rectangles can have various effects.  As with the shoji grids below, which have the same number of rectangles, the height and width determine the effect of the rectangular form.  The thinner grid on the left will make the space it is in seem a bit taller.  The middle grid, with the wide horizontal grids, has a more expansive effect. 

When working with customers, we endeavor to work with you to design grids that works for you and your space, and give you the effect you would like.   Once we decide to work together and get your measurements, you will be presented with several grid design sketches and paper samples.  We keep working with your feedback and figure out what works well for you. 

Shoji as Art  and Traditional Shoji

At Shakti Shoji, we think of the normal rectangular grids as part of the craft or trade of making shoji. Much of their beauty is their uniformity, which is easier and less expensive to produce than what we consider as shoji art . All the sticks in traditional grids are cut the same for each panel, which makes them more affordable than custom design artistic shoji. 

The distinctive Shakti Shoji artistic shoji screens  require more processes in addition to those used to make traditional screens.  The tradional shoji grids then are like a background for the artistic design work which is woven into each grid.  My teacher, Thomas E. Lucas thought of the art on the grids as musical notes on the scales.  

Frequently, each panel is different from the others and yet interrelated in a way where they enhance each other and the room they adorn.  Curved designs require making the sticks over specially created forms. The construction differences in each of the screens and the skill in making them interrelate effectively are more time consuming processes and thus can make these screens more expensive, as a custom made piece of art is inclined to do. 

While I work on making the artistic screens more affordable and develop a system for pricing them, please feel free to visit the pricing page if interested in making an inquiry.




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